Early 1/Offs
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Saturn 4 1976


Galaxy 1 1976

Khatmandu 1976


Cosmos 1977

Early Days

SATURN 4 is one of the earliest 1/offs I made. It's interesting as no colour was used. The silvery rings around the planet were created with fine silica sand.

GALAXY 1 used emerald glass from Germany,and was one of the first weights that used the polished base as a viewing window.

KHATMANDU was inspired by the quote "there's a little green eyed monster to the north of Khatmandu"

COSMOS 1977 is still one of my favourites. It was the first paperweight I made, sandblasted and facetted. The glass was 22% lead crystal and it's light reflecting qualities was brilliant.

Colin Terris
© 30/12/2003

Link to the Glass Study Association.